Sonic Chronicles: Nintendo Power Preview

Ein User aus NeoGAF hat das Artwork der kommenden Februar Ausgabe von Nintendo Power abgescant. Damit bestätigt sich die Vermutung das Biowares neues Spiel „Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood“ heißen wird. Am 15. Januar erscheint das Magazin am Kiosk. Es wird einen siebenseitigen Preview beinhalten.

Auch sind die ersten Infos bekannt:

-Cover Story with nice artwork
-In game graphics have a water color look, all hand drawn
-4 party members at a time
-Each character can do certain things ex: Tails can float over things (standard stuff)
-11 party members total – 8 known are Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Big the Cat
-Control done fully with stylus – think Hourglass
-Able to split party into teams at certain moments
-Rings are used as currency
-No random battles, see enemies on the field
-Turn based battles, choose commands for everyone in your party before they actually follow through. Want battles to be fast paced
-Elite Beat Agents style special attacks
-Team attacks (like Chrono Trigger)
-„Fatigue Points“ instead of MP
-Choose which attributes to increase when you level up
-Purchase and level special attacks
-Bits of story – Sonic’s on vacation from defeating Eggman 2 years ago. Gets a call from Tails that Knuckles has been kidnapped by a group called the Marauders, and that 6 chaos emeralds are missing. Eggman not the main villain. But Bioware wants to make him a creditable bad guy again. Something about a „twist“ between Eggman and Sonic that goes back to the earlier games.
-2 acts – first takes place in standard Sonic areas. 2nd takes place in a darker world
-Remixed classic tunes
-„fully animated cut scenes“
-simple dialogue trees
-Side quests

Links: NeoGAF


Geschrieben von: Zak

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